Breast Lift in East Greenwich, RI

Women’s breasts go through many changes, from puberty to pregnancy to getting older. The loss of elasticity that comes with these changes makes it impossible to improve the appearance of your breasts through diet and exercise. Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) is an effective way for women who are unhappy with the drooping or “deflated” appearance of their breasts to restore a more youthful contour. Dr. Andrea Doyle, our board-certified plastic surgeon, specializes in breast surgery and understands firsthand how the breasts change over time.

If you are interested in a breast lift, please contact the Centre for Aesthetic + Reconstructive Surgery in Providence today at  401.336.3770 to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Doyle.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Mastopexy?

Ideal candidates for breast lift surgery are women who have experienced a loss of lift and perkiness due to factors such as aging, pregnancy and nursing, weight fluctuations, and genetics. Good candidates need to be healthy, prepared for a surgical procedure, and willing to follow the pre and postoperative directions provided by our office. 

As with any breast surgery, the best candidates are women who do not plan on having more children, as subsequent pregnancies can undo results.

How Long Does a Mastopexy Last?

How long results from breast lift surgery last is dependent on several factors including:

  • The level of ptosis that was corrected
  • The surgical technique used to lift the breasts
  • Your age at the time of your procedure
  • Your lifestyle habits, such as smoking
  • Your dietary habits
  • Your exercise habits
  • Genetic factors

Some women will experience results for several years. Others for only a few. Before your procedure, we will discuss these factors in greater detail to help you determine how long you can realistically expect your breast lift results to last.

Is a Breast Lift Painful?

Breast lift surgery is performed under anesthesia to help ensure your optimal comfort. Swelling and mild discomfort are both common following the procedure, but these things can easily be handled through proper aftercare, the use of a compression garment, and oral pain medications. Over-the-counter medications work well for some women, but others may require prescriptions for proper pain management. We will work with you to determine which option will be best for your specific needs.

Lasting discomfort from breast lift surgery is not to be expected. Most women can resume normal activities within just a few short weeks without any discomfort. During your follow-up visits, we will assess your recovery and address any issues you may be having to help you have the best experience possible.

What Happens During a Breast Lift Procedure?

The breast lift procedure involves removing excess skin and repositioning breast tissue, including the areolas (nipples) to a youthful position. Dr. Doyle customizes each plastic surgery to suit your individual needs and answers your questions during your consultation. She will take careful consideration of your condition and determine the best approach for your breast lift surgery. Some women may benefit more from a breast augmentation with breast implants or fat transfer or a combination of both.

The procedure itself requires general anesthesia and typically involves an incision around the nipple areolar complex and from the nipple to the fold under the breast. Dr. Doyle will reshape the underlying breast tissue to provide a firmer look and feel, then remove the excess skin to lift the breasts.

Will My Breasts Sag After the Breast Lift?

Breast lift surgery addresses sagging (ptosis). The procedure lifts sagging skin and tissue to produce a perkier and firmer breast mound. Breast lift surgery corrects sagging, it does not cause it.

Benefits of a Breast Lift

There are several benefits of a breast lift including:

  • Firmer Breast Appearance: By repositioning the breast tissue, removing excess skin, and improving nipple placement, Dr. Doyle can give you a firmer look and feel, particularly for women who have some deflation due to volume loss.
  • Nipple Improvements: A breast lift improves nipple placement to a more youthful position on the breast.
  • Rise in Self Confidence: Deflated breasts can cause embarrassment and take on a completely different shape than you’re used to. A breast lift can improve the appearance of the breast in and out of clothing.
  • Addresses Some Breast Irritation: Drooping, deflated, or sagging breasts sit low on the chest and can cause skin irritation such as bra chafing.
  • Tuberous Breasts: A breast lift with implants can improve the shape and appearance of tuberous breasts.

Will the Mastopexy Leave Behind Scarring?

Scarring is inevitable with any surgical procedure. With a breast lift, incisions may be hidden in the dark skin of the areola or along the breast crease, though it is impossible to guarantee against visibility, particularly when an incision is required vertically from the nipple to crease.

Proper aftercare will help to reduce the visibility of scars. Refraining from products with nicotine and from blood thinners before and after your procedure will help as well. During your time in our care, we will provide instructions on aftercare to help ensure the most pleasing results possible.

Breast Lift Recovery

The breast lift is a surgery which requires general anesthesia. You will need a loved one available to drive you home following your procedure and to stay with you for the first 24 hours. Some women return to work one week after a breast lift while others may wait longer, depending on your profession. Jobs that require heavy lifting and strenuous activity should be avoided during the breast lift recovery process. Dr. Doyle is available to answer any questions or concerns you have during recovery.

You will notice your results immediately, though you will likely experience some bruising, swelling, and/or redness. You will need to wear a surgical bra or compression garment while you heal. Your final breast lift results should settle in within a few, short months. Your breasts will have a more youthful appearance that you can enjoy for many years to come.

Breast Lift vs. Breast Augmentation

Breast lift or breast augmentation 1

Schedule a Consultation For a Breast Lift in RI Today

If you’re interested in a breast lift or have questions about your breast surgery options, please contact the Centre for Aesthetic + Reconstructive Surgery in East Greenwich at 401.336.3770 to schedule your consultation. Dr. Doyle and our experienced staff serve patients in surrounding areas of Providence, Rhode Island.

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