Gynecomastia is the medical name for male breasts. Common in puberty when hormone fluctuations can lead to the development of excess glandular tissue, gynecomastia is often self-correcting. In fact, the National Institutes of Health reports that up to 95% of gynecomastia cases that occur during puberty regress naturally within one to three years.
Pubescent gynecomastia may self-correct. So too might cases brought about by drug use. Steroids, certain prescription medications, and a host of illicit drugs – including marijuana – are linked to gynecomastia. In these cases, modifying your lifestyle may be all it takes to address the issue.
Lifestyle modifications are often a part of those gynecomastia cases that do not self-correct as well. These cases, which may be brought about by medication or drug use, hormone fluctuations, genetics, lifestyle choices, and weight fluctuations often require surgical assistance as well. This is where male breast reduction comes in.
What is Male Breast Reduction?
Male breast reduction is one of the most reliable ways to address gynecomastia. With this procedure, liposuction is used to gently remove stubborn fat deposits from the chest. If excessive glandular tissue is present, it too can be surgically removed, helping to restore a toned, defined, and masculine look to the upper body.
Following male breast reduction surgery, it is important that steps are taken to maintain a steady weight. This will require smart dietary choices and a healthy exercise routine. It is recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise weekly along with muscle training and stretching. Increasing the amount of time spent on exercise or the intensity of your workouts can help to enhance your male breast reduction results as well as sculpting and toning the abdomen and arms, helping to produce a much shapelier appearance.
Would You Like to Learn More?
If you are struggling with gynecomastia and would like to learn more about male breast reduction, please call the Centre for Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery at 401-336-3770 to schedule your initial consultation today. Located in East Greenwich, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrea Doyle welcomes men with gynecomastia from all surrounding areas of Rhode Island.